Healthy eating | importance of balanced diet | Top secrets to stay healthy for lifelong | balanced diet


Balanced Diet 

Healthy eating | important of balanced diet 

To lead a healthy life we need proper guidance about a balanced diet(healthy eating). By reading this diet essay, you are able to make your own balanced diet plan.

Balanced diet | healthy eating
Balanced diet 

Healthy eating is a very important thing to be healthy for lifelong. Eating healthy foods helps us to get rid of diseases like diabetes, heart diseases and obesity. And it also helps to stay slim and in proper weight, which gives energy.

Now let's see more info:
1) Introduction to Healthy eating.
2) Introduction to different types of foods.
3) Healthy recipes for ( Breakfast, lunch, dinner)

1) Introduction to Healthy eating.

Healthy eating is nothing but adding necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals contained foods to the diet. Eating all varieties of foods like fruits and vegetables gives a certain amount of necessary elements to the body. 
Having healthy foods benefits for both  short period of  time and  long period of time. A balanced diet keeps us healthy and gives energy, and keeps us active in a short period of time. In a long period of time Healthy eating can protect us from heart diseases and obesity.

2) Introduction to different types of foods.

We need to add more varieties of food to our diet because it helps us to gain all varieties of elements such as vitamins, minerals and fats.
Let's see different foods with different essential elements,
Fruits: Fruits, doctors generally recommends to say eating more fruits than rice is good for health. Because fruits are  rich in vitamins and minerals . fruits are also  rich in water content and keep us hydrated.

Balanced diet | healthy eating

Vegetables: vegetables are rich in vitamin A. Vegetables also contain iron and calcium. Vegetables are useful to boost our immune system.

Balanced diet | healthy eating
  • Whole grains, such as oats and brown rice etc are a good source of complex carbohydrates, which give energy to the body.
  • Lean proteins, such as meats,fish and eggs are rich in amino acids which help in building blocks of proteins.
  • Healthy fats, such as unsaturated fats found in nuts and seeds help to keep cholesterol levels normal.
Now let's know the necessity of vitamins, minerals, fibers, fats and proteins.
  • Vitamins for converting food into energy for the body.
  • Minerals like calcium and iron are important to strengthen bones and teeth.
  • Fibers help us to maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Fats are important to keep a healthy heart and reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  • Proteins are important for repairing muscles and other tissues in the body.

3) Healthy recipes(Breakfast, lunch, dinner).


Oatmeal mixed with nuts.
oatmeals are generally high in antioxidants called avenanthramides which will not be found in any other grains. So early in the morning one cup of oats with milk and filled with nuts is very fresh and healthy.( not like almonds, walnuts.)

  Fruit salads, having mixture of fruits with milk is very fresh and energy source, milk with combination of banana, apple, grapes and strawberries are very rich in essential nutrition and vitamins.


Brown rice with broccoli curry is  excellent combination. Because broccoli contains "vitamin k" and calcium, zinc and vitamin- A&C which helps to maintain strong and healthy bones and brown rice contains phenols and flavonoids  and these  two antioxidants helps to reduce damage to cells. brown rice is also good for diabetes.


Chapati  with grilled chicken and chicken curry.
Night with chicken variety is very delicious and healthy also.
(Tip: Just making healthy diet plan is not enough to keep the body healthy,
Drinking enough water plays important role in  diet plan . so keep hydrated and drink enough water daily.)

Balanced diet | healthy eating
Healthy food 


To keep ourselves healthy following balanced diet is not just enough knowing about Healthy eating and different types of food, vitamins and then making diet plan  helps to know information in detail.
Health is a very essential part of human life so follow the proper diet plan and stay healthy.  Good luck!

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